

by | Oct 25, 2016 | Past Filmmaker Winners

Best Feature

Fire Workers: Christina Lind (2016)

Best Documentary

A Bitter Legacy: Claudia Katayanagi – 2016

Best Screenplay

Becoming Terpsichore: Susan Polk – 2016

Best Music Video

Oaks & Willows: Tatjana Green & Nazar Melconian – 2016

Best Short

Shift: Kristen Hester – 2016

Best Feature Writer

Happy 40th: Madoka Raine – 2016

Best Feature Director

Girl Flu: Dorothy Dorie Barton – 2016

Best Foreign Film

Hatchet Hour: Judy Naidoo – 2016

Best Animated Short

Dari: Chae Won Han Chelse – 2016

Best Foreign Documentary

What It Takes to Be Extraordinary: Antonia Thomson – 2016

Best Special Focus Documentary

Horse Shelter Diaries: Donna Wells – 2016

Best Webisode

Life, Coached: Chloe Lenihan – 2016

Best TV Pilot Script

South of the 10: Davina Willett – 2016

Best Commercial

Holiday Help Desk: Sofia Garza-Barba – 2016