2022 Screenplay Finalists
Dogfight by Hannah Gavagan
End of Scene by Jen Butler
Imbalance by Dale Griffiths Stamos
Lady in Ermine by Donna DiGiuseppe
Liu by Romney Humphrey
Scarlet Letters by Lisa Scott
Six Impossible Things by Amanda Nitsa Oz
The Burden of Light by Helen Alexis Yonov
The Hanging Tree by Cressandra Thibodeaux
On the Corner of Eden and Grace ( winner of the screenplay competition) by Marsha Rosenzweig Pincus\
2022 TV Pilot Finalists
Aftercare by Leonora Gershman Pitts, Megan M Gray
Apocalypse the Musical ( winner of the TV Pilot competition) by Rachel Rios
Nature is Cruel by Lauren Gardiner
Reckoning Unforeseen by Ilea Alfaro
Transport by Shea E Butler
Yae: Blind Samurai Woman by Akiko Izumitani, James Doc Mason