Best Animated Short Award Winning Ceremony 2020
- This year’s Best Animated Short Award goes to the Butterfly Affect Directed by STEPHANIE BLAKEY
Finalists: Prototype, BADA
- This year’s Best Webisode goes to They Them Us Directed by JANE MARLOW
Finalists: Visible Farmer, Harbor Island
- This year’s Best Music Video Award goes to DREAM Directed by MAXI WITRAK, JOSE MURO
Finalists: Something More, Dream
- This year’s Best Commercial Award goes to BOSS EYEWEAR Directed by GEORGIA TRIBUIANI.
Finalists: About the Girl in the Trunk, Dimello Capsules
- The award for Best Screenplay goes to Happy Hour written by Cynthia Mersten
Finalists: Rainbow Cowboy, Project Fog
- The Award for Best TV Pilot SCRIPT goes to DEADSHOT GIRLS written by HEIDI JAMES
Finalists: Shine On, Matched
- The Best Short Film award goes to 20 MINUTES TO LIFE directed by VERONIKA KURZ
Finalists and Honorable Mention: in the Shorts category NO WHERE TO GO and WICHITA.
- This year’s Best Documentary award goes to Made in Auschwitz “The Untold Story of Block 10 BY Sonya Winterberg, Sylvia Nagel
Finalists: Finding Courage, STOP THE BLEED
- The Best Special Focus Documentary goes to Director JAMIE BALDANZA for WILD LANDS WILD HORSES
Finalists: Guardians of the Gulf, Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike DeGruy
- The Best Foreign Film award goes to Director IRINA GEDROVICH for SAVIOR ANGEL.
Finalists: Seven Wishes, Kings of Mulberry Street
- The Best Feature Writer award goes to 86 MELROSE AVENUE by LILI MATTA
Finalists: Fall Back Down, Angel
- This year’s Best Feature award goes to ALEKSANDRA SZCZEPANOWSKA with TOUCH
Finalists: In the Moons Shadow, Code of Practice
- The Best Feature Director award goes to KARA HEROLD for 39 1/2.
Finalists: Between Waves, I Heard Sarah